Kissing Camel's rock formation Vacation Kissing Camel's rock formation

Our Travels for 2009

I made it to England to see Scott and family before Scott headed to Korea for a year. The family flew over for Christmas and may look at a command sponsored tour which will let Ra'nee and the kids go back as an acompanied tour. 

Nancy visited California for 10 days and we had planned to meet everyone in Seattle for Christmas.  But, we had a snow storm that messed up the flights.  We ended up spending the night at the Colorado Springs Airport.  Our flight was cancelled and the earilest the airlines could get us out was Christmas Day.  So we went home and spent Christmas in the Springs.

Plans for 2010

Of course who knows what's going on in 2010.  The plan is to see our friends, Al and Sharon, in Arizona for a couple of days.  Maybe a trip to South Dakota in the summer or fall.  Or maybe the Colorado Springs Airport where we'll spend the night and go home.  Hard saying.  I'm going to look at another trip to England if I can swing it.

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